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Safety Guidance for Flu Vaccines During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Writer's picture: Sam SpaccamontiSam Spaccamonti

While there is risk of asymptomatic patients transmitting Covid-19 during a flu vaccine visit, it is more important to continue critical flu prevention efforts at this time. San Diego Medical Waste and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

have the latest guidance and strategies for safely administering flu vaccines during this 2020-2021 season.


-Screen for symptoms of Covid-19 and contact with persons with possible Covid-19

-Limit and monitor points of entry to the facility and install barriers, such as clear plastic sneeze guards, to limit physical contact with patients at triage.

-Implement policies for the use of a cloth face covering in persons over the age of 2 years (if tolerated).

-Ensure adherence to respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette, and hand hygiene

Medical Staff

-Follow Standard Precaution, which includes guidance for hand hygiene and cleaning the environment between patients.

-Wear a medical face mask at all times.

-Use eye protection based on level of community transmission

Physical Distancing Strategies

-Separating sick from well patients by scheduling these visits during different times of the day (e.g., well visits in the morning and sick visits in the afternoon), placing patients with sick visits in different areas of the facility, or scheduling patients with sick visits in a different location from well visits (when available).

-Reduce crowding in waiting areas by asking patients to remain outside (e.g., stay in their vehicles, if applicable) until they are called into the facility for their appointment.

-Ensure that physical distancing measures, with separation of at least 6 feet between patients and visitors, are maintained during all aspects of the visit, including check-in, checkout, screening procedures, and postvaccination monitoring using strategies such as physical barriers, signs, ropes, and floor markings.

-Utilize electronic communications as much as possible (e.g., filling out needed paperwork online in advance) to minimize time in the office as well as reuse of materials (e.g., clipboards, pens).

For more information about our services and proper medical waste disposal, contact San Diego Medical Waste Services, LLC, for more information: or 619-990-4604.



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