The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 385,000 needle-sticks and sharps-related injuries every year in the community of healthcare professionals and personnel. These occupational injuries expose individuals on the front-lines of vulnerable settings such as hospitals, body art studios, and nursing homes to life-altering bloodborne pathogens like hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). How can you protect yourself and your employees from contaminated sharps? San Diego Medical Waste is your resource in safety and compliance.
Upgrade and Communicate
By removing or reducing risk factors you can protect employees and yourself from the dangers of occupational injuries. Stay up-to-date on safe medical devices. Some devices are moving to needleless systems and built-in guards to prevent injury. In addition to safer medical devices, keep an open dialogue with professionals and personnel working closely with contaminated sharps for their input on safety and needle-stick prevention. As healthcare evolves and innovates it is critical to continually reflect and improve safety measures and protocols. Relying on your team, San Diego Medical Waste expertise, and safety-conscious improvements in the medical device community can all lead to safer outcomes for employees and facilities.
Immediate Disposal
In order to reduce risk and exposure to occupational hazards surrounding contaminated needles, immediately dispose of such needles in designated sharps disposal containers provided by San Diego Medical Waste. These containers must be accessible and readily available in all areas where sharps are used or may be found in your workspace. Our services can provide consultation for safe and critical locations of sharps containers as well as the permanent disposal, replacement, and all other medical waste needs in your facility.
Handling Containers
In order to prevent spilling, sharps containers must be closed before they are removed or replaced. If there is a chance that the contents may leak, employers must place the puncture-resistant container in a secondary container that can be closed, color-coded in red, and appropriately constructed to contain all elements without further leakage during handling, storage, transportation, or shipping.
If you are looking for more information about proper medical waste disposal, contact San Diego Medical Waste Services, LLC, for more information: or 619-990-4604.