County of San Diego DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (DEH) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION has recently rolled out the "SMALL QUANTITY MEDICAL WASTE GENERATOR REGISTRATION & SELF-CERTIFICATION PROCESS". This guide will help you understand what is being asked of you in order to comply with the self-certification process.
Facilities that generate less than 200 lbs of the following medical waste streams per month:
Sharps waste
Biohazardous waste
Non-RCRA Pharmaceutical Waste
Trace Chemotherapy Waste
Pathology Waste
Trauma Scene Waste
Click Here to download the guide
Registered Medical Waste Hauler or Common Carrier
Primary Medical Waste Transporter: San Diego Medical Waste Services, LLC
Street Address: 7630 Miramar Rd. Suite 2200, San Diego, CA 92126
Contact Person: Service Department
CA Registration #: 6349
Secondary (backup) Medical Waste Transporter: "N/A"
Decontamination Procedure
Exposure to hot water 180ºF for ≥ 15 seconds