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The nine most common OSHA standards

G. Paradiso

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), in conjunction with each state, and under the direction of the Department of Labor, operates OSHA-approved state plans. OSHA’s standards and regulations inhibit a safe and healthy work environment, free from hazards, including all medical, dental and other healthcare-related facilities, or those producing regulated waste.

There are many standards applicable to healthcare facilities, the nine most common OSHA standards, regulating healthcare facilities, are related to the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. Each facility, regardless of the number of employees, has an obligation to protect their employees, adhering to the requirements set forth by OSHA’s standards and regulations.

The nine most common OSHA standards:

The following list is the most frequently requested and referenced OSHA standard, affecting healthcare facilities. Some basic requirements of the OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) include the following:

  1. A written exposure control plan, to be updated annually

  2. Use of universal precautions

  3. Consideration, implementation, and use of safer, engineered needles and sharps

  4. Use of engineering and work practice controls and appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, face and eye protection, gowns)

  5. Hepatitis B vaccine provided to exposed employees at no cost

  6. Medical follow-up in the event of an “exposure incident”

  7. Use of labels or color-coding for items such as sharps disposal boxes and containers for regulated waste, contaminated laundry and certain specimens

  8. Employee training

  9. Proper containment of all regulated waste

For a complete list of federal regulations, affecting your healthcare facility, see Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR), or contact San Diego Medical Waste, for all your professional answers, helping your facility to stay compliant with state and federal regulations. Contact San Diego Medical Waste today: or 619-990-4604.

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