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The three things your Exposure Control Plan MUST have to be compliant

Writer's picture: Sam SpaccamontiSam Spaccamonti

The Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, was implemented and is regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This standard serves to protect those who work in healthcare, and others working in similar occupations, reducing the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

The Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Standard states specific requirements, including developing an Exposure Control Plan for your facility. This Standard defines and regulates certain types of wastes generated at healthcare facilities, known as Regulated Medical Waste.

Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) consists of any material that may be contaminated by blood, body fluids or other potentially infectious material (OPIM), that when improperly disposed, can cause risk of spreading pathogens.

The Exposure Control Plan consists of the employer’s policy and procedures, defining the protective measures that will be taken by the employer to eliminate or minimize any risk of employee exposure to blood, bodily fluids or other potentially infectious material (OPIM).

What are the THREE items your Exposure Control Plan MUST have to be compliant?

1. Each job must be clearly and concisely written out, defining the classifications and its risks associated with exposure; this would include, stating all job-related tasks and procedures where an occupation could be exposed to blood, bodily fluids and OPIM.

2. Writing out the facility’s evaluation procedures, which would include the circumstances of an exposure incident.

3. Writing out and providing a schedule, listing how and when other provisions of the standard will be implemented, including methods of compliance, communication of hazards to employees, and recordkeeping.

San Diego Medical Waste can help you stay compliant with your Exposure Control Plan. For more information, contact San Diego Medical Waste: or 619-990-4604.

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